Cheese Scones


Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cook Time: 15 Minutes 

Bakes: 6 Scones 


 225g Self Raising Flour 

55g Butter 

1 Teaspoon Baking Powder

1.5 Teaspoon Salt 

90g Grated Cheese 

150 ML Milk 

1 Egg Beaten 


1.     Heat the oven to 205 C. 

2.     Put the flour, Baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl and stir. 

3.     Rub the butter into the mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs.

4.     Add 60g of the cheese and mix well. 

5.     Make a well in the middle of the mixture and add the milk to make a soft pliable dough, if its to wet just add some more flour. 

6.     Turn the mixture out on to a floured work surface and roll to about 2cm thickness.

7.     Cut arounds using a cutter (small or medium one works really well).

8.     Place on a baking tray and egg wash, sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of each scone.

9.     Bake for 15 minutes or until golden and well risen.

10.  Cool on a wire rack.