A Vegan Way Of Life!!!!

I was talking with my friend the other day and she had mentioned to me how she had purchased her first Vegan desert, this is quite a big thing for her as she has been less than complimentary about the vegan way of life!!!

She had purchased the Wicked Belgian Chocolate and Raspberry Cake just too be able to say that she had tried it. The reason I am mentioning this is because plant-based food is currently the talk of the town and the industry is predicted to keep on growing. 

The Vegan Society confirmed that in 2019 they registered an impressive 14,262 products with the vegan trademark. That’s an increase in registrations from 2018 of 49%, that saw 9,590 products successfully registered.

In the UK alone there has been a '40% increase in vegans. Wow!!!


Back to my friend and the feedback, well let’s just say it wasn’t great!

The desert in the end just didn’t give her the real sweet hit that she had craved, one of the more interesting things to note was that she said when you have a piece of cake, you should feel naughty almost like you are having a special treat something that you don’t have all the time, this she said did not have that occasion attached to it and for that reason will not purchase a plant-based desert again. 

Food for thought here though, veganism is a way of life and is about more than trying something just to be able to say that you have tried it. If we look at some figures that the Vegan Society has provided, I think you will agree this is certainly something to think about.

Over 10 million pigs, 15 million sheep, 14 million turkeys, 15 million ducks and geese, 982 million broiler chickens, 50 million spent hens, 2.6 million cattle, 4.5 billion fish and 2.6 billion shellfish are killed in the UK each year - this equates to over 8 billion animals. 

This leads me on to my own dilemma of the feeling of not wanting to eat meat anymore. I have grown up with parents who had adopted the vegetarian way of life many years ago, maybe it’s the life for me…. I will revisit this in a future post.


Sustainable Fishing!!!


A Recipe For Success!!!