Was 2020 The Year Of Chocolate!!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love chocolate orange, I use chocolate orange every chance I get in a recipe, I use it in cookies, brownies, cakes, cupcakes, you name it! It was only fitting that I write a blog post about it, however this is not just a blog post about how much I love chocolate orange, according to research chocolate orange was the biggest food trend of 2020, sounds like heaven right!

What had been the driving force of this trend, well there may be many contributing factors. Lockdown is probably the biggest one, as we were all having to change our daily lives and remain indoors, were we getting sick of the same old flavours on offer. The other thing is that more of us were baking and creating, so did we want to use something different to add to our bakes. I can honestly say I don’t know but the people have clearly spoken and the retailers have answered. From chocolate orange twirls (I tried to buy my second lot and was told they had run out, demand was very high), to orange buttons, and smooth orange galaxy somewhere in the middle, looks like 2021 is going to be another year of orange madness!


Eating In Whilst Eating Out!!!!


Sustainable Fishing!!!